by Gordon Roesler | Apr 2, 2020 | Blog
It’s probably obvious that New Space projects are going to be hammered by the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic. Some of the impacts we can expect: Startup companies having a harder time obtaining venture capital. Large companies sending large parts of their...
by Gordon Roesler | Mar 1, 2020 | Blog
When we send satellites to orbit today, they are completely on their own. We never inspect them, maintain them, repair them, or upgrade them. When they run out of fuel, we throw them away. That model has just changed. Northrop Grumman has created what they call the...
by Gordon Roesler | Feb 9, 2020 | Blog
Staying on the lunar surface for extended periods exposes astronauts to significant danger. They need to be protected from high radiation events like solar storms. Stays of a few days are likely to be safe, but the longer the stay, the greater the danger. The habitat...
by Gordon Roesler | Jan 11, 2020 | Blog
I can’t believe that I have never posted anything about this amazing project. NASA pulled together over 50 scientists and engineers, including myself, to consider the following question: “When does it make more sense to build a telescope in orbit,...
by Gordon Roesler | Jan 11, 2020 | Blog
This website is dedicated to explaining, advocating, and developing robotic systems to do more on orbit. What are the benefits? It really couldn’t be said any better than this new video from NASA. One of the most ambitious in-orbit assembly projects being...
by Gordon Roesler | Nov 3, 2019 | Blog
Dr. Casey Handmer, a theoretical physicist by training but a keen thinker in the area of space communications, has written an eloquent essay. In his view, worldwide communications in the near future will boil down to one word: Starlink. Here is the link to the full...
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